Thursday, December 20, 2012

New goal.

New project. Try all of these drinks. I have had many if them but I wanna scratch off the rest.

Yes. I'm obsessed with mad men. Hush.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Time and the weather

I've come to realize that my perception of time is (unfortunately) greatly influenced by the weather.
Why you ask?
There is something about the winter that screws with my head so badly that I cannot function. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I have to wake up earlier than I would normally so that I can start my car because it is a big ball of ice on wheels.
I have a hard time getting going as it is, no matter if it it -9 or 90 out. (I suffer from idontwanttogetoutofbedituis)
Now Is it because of the ungodly hour that my husband wakes up at. No let me refrase that. The ungodly hour that he starts letting his alarm (which used to be some kind of sick and dying rooster noise which I've changed to "rump shaker" cuz now at least it is funny) go off for about an hour until he decides to wake up?
Is it because when he does Get up he decides to come wake me up and then throw the cat on top of me?
No I won't put all the blame on my husband.
It could have something to do with the fact that it's morning at all and it should be abolished from all the time in history.
Whatever the reason may be I cannot Physically deal with any of it.
Back to my point though. With all if these issues fighting against me, add winter. It should be a simple equation. If it takes "x" amount of time to get from point a to point b I should be getting all my crap done an be leaving by "y" and then in winter add on about 10 to 15 minutes more for car warming and coffee making and then of course then inevitable douche baggery of other drivers who are surprised by the fact that they live in New England every morning when they wake up and get on the road.
Maybe now that I have spelled all of this out I can start to apply such common sense in my life, thereby making it easier.

It may be amusing to note that while I wrote 90% of this I was stuck in traffic. HAHA.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

And so it begins.

I've done it.
Peer pressure got me again and here is yet another new blog!

This past week has been wild. 
No, not in a fun went out partying and having fun getting into all kinds of shenanigans wild. More like the spending all my time in a hospital with all of my in-laws wild.
Honestly, I am completely spent when it comes to writing a decent blog post, but here it is. 
Hopefully more to come!
So everyone keep your eyes out for the Adventures of Hannah....The Ultimate Ginge :)