Monday, May 12, 2014

Marry the beast and get that library.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been on this blog, and I constantly kick myself about this fact. I've been sick off and on so much lately, that this, piled with work, eBay, and a few vacations/concerts/other things in my life, I have totally neglected my little personal space of internet. 

 So let’s start back up with something easy, BOOKS! I am a total book worm. I have gone through some points in my life where I haven’t indulged in this favorite past time of mine, but when I finally pick up a book that I love, it starts all over again and I’m reading 3-5 books a week.  

This hobby of mine can be a little costly, since I loath the library for the following reasons:

 1) If I totally love a book I want to keep it, it’s like a trophy, like "Look! I read this!" It makes me happy to see all my accomplishments.(I hate e-books for the same reason, but sometimes they’re just so much cheaper I have to justify it.)

 2) I can be messy. If I don’t own a book I get terrified that I will somehow ruin it and the library will hunt me down and murder me for ruining their book. 

 3) What if I start reading it, and then life, as it usually does, gets in the way and I am unable to pick up my book for a few days or weeks even?! I don’t want to be one of those people who avoid the library until amnesty day, throw my books at them and run! 

 4) Librarians. Enough said. 

 These, are all reasonable and sane reasons I have given myself allowing me to buy all the books in the world. If you are anything like me, and I would like to believe that you are so I’m not alone in the world out there, here are the places I go to and ways I like to save a few $$ when it comes to my book addiction.


 About 3 years ago I went to a local goodwill and picked up a 50Cent James Patterson book “Honeymoon” I tore through that book in a day or two and rekindled my love for Mr. Patterson. I won’t lie, his books aren’t the greatest things I’ve ever read, but he has for darn sure written a lot of books. These books are in abundant supply at all the Savers near me. Savers is great because most of their books are under $3 and are buy 4 get the 5th book free. How can you pass that up? I know I certainly cannot. 

 Oh amazon, how I love thee. Used books for 1 cent, brand new books for $1, and they almost always have what I am looking for. It can get tricky however with shipping. Yes the book may only be $4, but the shipping is $3.99. In that case I would rather go to Barnes and Noble and buy the book for $9.99 and not have to wait. A lot of items will have “FREE Shipping on orders over $35” Which isn’t a bad deal if you have a lot of things in mind that you want. 

 Amazon also has the Kindle store, I’ve ready many of their free books out of total boredom and you will find the occasional 99 cent, or $1.99 book that isn’t a total waste of your time. I find an e-reader is great when you are going on a long trip or any trip that requires light packing; you can bring as many books with you as you want with only taking up a silver of space in your purse. I would still rather the feel of the book in my hand, but you do what you got to do in these times. 

 Barnes and Noble 

 I’ve been a Barnes and Noble member for quite a few years now. I got the membership when I was young and rich (the spoiled 17 year old living at home) and somehow over the years my card was renewed which filled me with such joy I didn’t even try to question it. With the membership card you save 10% off almost everything, books, coffee, etc. 40% off hardcover best sellers, free shipping, and other savings throughout the year. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s a pretty good deal. 

 Now that I’ve divulged all my book buying secrets, I am going to bore you with a list of the books I’ve read so far in the 2014 calendar year. 

 An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green Personally

 I was drawn to this book for 2 reasons 1) I’m in love with anything John Green has written and 2) It sounded like the title of a book I would write about my life, as it is that I am surrounded by Katherines. Needless to say, the book did not disappoint. Bravo Mr. Green, Bravo. 

Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem (The Delirium Trilogy) by Lauren Oliver

 This was an interesting little trilogy, much like the popular genre right now it’s a love triangle in a dystopian society. I, like everyone else, cannot get enough of it. I HATED how it ended, but I understood it. UGH 

 Before I Fall By Lauren Oliver 

 I figured since I liked her other books why not give this one a try, I enjoyed it. It was the mean girls version of ground hog day. Very neat.

 The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure (The Maze Runner Trilogy) by James Dashner 

 These were also pretty decent, I wanted to read them before the movie came out, and I am glad I did. Yes, the main character was annoying and it wasn’t written very well but I’m still happy I read it. I’m still trying to get through the Prequel to the books, The Death Trials. Blah. 

 The Giver and Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

 Now I know what you’re thinking, “What? You JUST read the giver?” Yes, I was homeschooled; I was not forced to read this like everyone else was in high school. OK? I loved it, I read the whole book in a 8 hour period, between buying it at my lunch break at work and around 8 at night. It was wonderful. 

So when good ole B&N finally got more of her books I picked up Gathering Blue per the recommendation of my friend Corina, it too was wonderful. Kind of odd but captivating when you get into it, the idea of the singer reminded me of an episode of Doctor Who “the rings of akhaten” so points there.

 I am the messenger by Marcus Zuzak 

After reading and absolutely loving The Book Thief I knew I had to read this book. I loved every second of this story. Go read it right now. The end.

 Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell 

 Do you love teenage romances? Of course you do! Read this book as soon as you possibly can, it is beyond perfect. 

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn 

 What can I say about this book other than wow. Just wow. Just when you think you have the whole thing figured out you still have no idea what’s coming next. I can’t wait to read more of this authors books.

 Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and other concerns) by Mindy Kaling 

 The first half of this book felt like reading my own autobiography, being the constant chubster as was Mindy really hit home to me in the most lovely charming way. Thank you for this book Mindy, I would read anything you wrote from now on into eternity. 

 Matched by Ally Condie 

 This is the first in yet another love triangle dystopian society trilogy, as I pointed out earlier I obviously cannot get enough of. It was okay, not good, not bad, just ok, readable. I mean it’s no Katniss, Peta, Gale… it’s no Tris and Four, it’s just another one of these stories that keeps me entertained. 

 I am currently reading the sequel to Matched, “Crossed” 

 Also I’m in the middle of a lovely little book “I Was Told There’d Be Cake” by Sloane Crosley. 
I’m savoring every little bit of that book I can because it is far too entertaining to just blow though. 
Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy. 

This has been the first of many blogs on this topic, I hope you enjoyed!