Thursday, March 28, 2013

Disco baby

So as most of you know by now, I got myself a personal trainer!
It is kinda awesome.
I finally REALLY had enough this time. I was sick of not fitting into all the clothes I love. Sick of having to plan outfits all day long for when i'm out with my friends just in case someone takes a picture of me so I dont look terrible.
So on and so forth.
Everyone in my family is either extremely obese or dies of a heart attack, and personally im not all about that,  so im doing something about it!
So I got a trainer, her name is Heather Disco, and she rocks.
We're gonna do all kinds of races this year. In June we are doing the Warrior Dash, which I am pumped about. September will be the Rugged Maniac, and most likely Color Me Rad as well.
I'm excited to do these and actually be fit when i do, and not winded and dying every step of the way.

ANYWAY this year is going to be better! Here is to a new Hannah. The true ULTIMATE Ginge :)

OH and btw, Mikie...I will start on that cookbook for ya ;)

Monday, March 4, 2013