Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2012 turned into 2013 and here is how.

I haven't been in the bloggy mood lately...
Since I last posted in December let me recount the things that have happened that are noteworthy.(most of which will just be pictures of texts)

 Caleb got a new car, it is pretty sweet. We only had to drive back and forth to Cranston RI twice to get it BLAH.
OH we all got kicked out of a bar in Northampton. Let me just say, The Dirty Truth while it may be an awesome bar is full of snobby hipsters who need to go drown somewhere.

These next few texts are just highly amusing to me.


These are my grand plans for the year.

This right here is one of those things where i was like.... is this real life? This happened the 1st week in Jan....
 Update....she was back in on Friday, asking for a pregnancy scary.

Since Caleb bought a new car he was selling his old one. He told me this chick was coming over to look at it after work. So while I was upstairs cooking dinner like a good wifey this was happening outside.....


Oh, and we got a fish... His name is Burton Guster. or as Caleb calls him Bruton Gaster.
This fish is retarded  He does NOTHING. Always looks dead. Never is. Oh, and this is what we came home to one weekend...

Fry decided he wanted to visit the fish. This is the only place in the house where the fish can live because of this very reason.

 The Fancy Pants Dance went extremely well! I was so proud of myself for my decorating skilllllllllllls. It was really a lot of fun. Izzy and my sister did an AWESOME job with the music! <3 and Mikie was an amazing photoman as per usual... all the pictures are at if you care to take a look at them.

On a sad note, My dad had a heart attack last week. It was a mild one, only on the right side of the heart which as the doctor described is the lazy side so the damage and affect was minimal, but still a heart attack no less. He is doing good, but he is so tired. It really makes me sad and worried for him and my mom. I wish I was closer so I could just pop in a see him every other day or so instead of every other week or month depending on our schedules. I think Caleb and I are going to more seriously start making our plans to move closer in the next year. Once we get his family all settled I think we can start our moving process. So if anyone knows of some jobs for the 2 of us, PLEASE let me know. Better to start looking now than to wait.

Back to happy... This weekend for our anniversary we went away with Jordan and Angelica to Hope Lake Lodge in New York. It was AWESOME. Our hotel had an indoor water park to play in, with a pool and hot tub outside! I tell you there is nothing better than a hot tub surrounded by snow so you can freeze your hair while your body cooks in heat. I love it! Monday we went snowboarding at the mountain across the street Greek Peak. It was really fun, except for the freezing rain and how I fell on my tail bone and now my butt is broken hahaha.



But no really, it was awesome. It is so great to be able to go away with your best friends and just relax. We came home yesterday late afternoon, Caleb and I laid on the couch ordered sushi and watched The Walking Dead all night. All in all i say it was a great anniversary. :)

That's all for now.
I'll try not to go so long in between next time.
Peace out :)