Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 2

It's been 24 hours since I washed with the "no poo" method and so far so good! My hair is soft and happy! The only parts of it that are feeling greasy are the parts I put the jojoba oil on. Which is fine with me! 

Here it is today. 

More updates later!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"No Poo"

So I, Hannah Hope Stephens, have decided to take the "no poo" challenge.
What is that you say?
You are no longer going to poop?
No sillies!
No Shampoo!

Again you say WHAT?! You aren't going to wash your hair?!
Once again, no. Stop being ridiculous.

After reading many articles, and blogs, and pinteresting all over the place, I've decided to make the switch and ditch my shampoo and conditioner.

The idea is, using Baking Soda and Vinegar to wash your hair instead of using expensive products full of nasty chemicals that are doing nothing good for you. Shampoo is like a detergent that strips your hair yes of all the gross nasty but also of all the good happy oils that you want to have in your hair. So by using baking soda you only have to wash your hair maybe once or twice a week and your hair will start to go back to normal and produce its own oils and good stuff and yay happy hair!
Basically here is the blog that i like the best that explains it the best way

Anyway today is day one,
I just washed it about an hour ago, and although it was a snarly mess that is nothing new. I rubbed a little jojoba oil in there and i was good to go. So far the hair that is dry on the top of my head is super soft and happy, and according to Caleb it smells just like hair! haha

I shall continue to update as the process continues!

I'm going to make home made deodorant next! More DIY to come!!!