Wednesday, September 24, 2014

paint and vino

The month was June. The day was the 13th.
I, had been sick as a dog, which was pretty much my MO for the last year and a half. I didn't feel like moving or doing much of anything but...

My lovely friend Heather had decided to organize a lovely girls night out at Paint and Vino. 
What is this you ask?
Well, its where you put a bunch of girls in a big room give them wine, canvas, paint and a instructor. Its really a fantastic night out and I totally recommend it and would do it again in a heartbeat.

The painting that was chosen for our group was my favorite painting by my favorite painter ever "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh.

They take you step by step through the painting to make something...similar to this great masterpiece. Really something like this is very complex and detailed and would take much longer than a few hours and many many more glasses of wine out of plastic cups. But what you get is something very cool and a fun time being had by all.

So for anyone thinking about hosting, or has been invited to such a event I highly recommend it. Be adventurous! Go for it! 

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